5 min read

Transform your business with AI workflow automation

July 16, 2024


What is AI workflow automation?


Artificial intelligence (AI) workflow automation uses technology to help businesses streamline manual, repetitive tasks. Many companies use AI workflow automation to get more work done in less time and with fewer errors, freeing up employees to focus on more important tasks.


Before AI, automation relied on a set of documented instructions to complete tasks like data entry or invoice processing. While this cut down on manual work and mistakes, these programs could only complete tasks that were always done in the same way. The technology couldn't handle anything new or unexpected.


With the recent boom in generative AI (Gen-AI), workflow automation is more powerful, as it can learn and adapt, making workflows smarter and more efficient than ever before. Gen-AI uses machine learning to generate human-like outputs to solve problems and make decisions — easily automating tasks that require creative or on-the-fly thinking.


AI's ability to mimic human behavior and responses is why its adoption rate among businesses continues to soar. Research from Slack found that AI use in the workplace grew 24% from Q3 2023 to Q4 2023, with one-in-four employees reporting having tried AI tools for work as of January 2024. Additionally, 80% of those using AI in business settings say the technology has already improved their productivity.






Types of AI workflow automation


AI workflow automation is used in many different ways in nearly every industry. In real estate, for example, AI can automate property valuations and lengthy document reviews. In accounting, it can check invoices for errors through invoice approval workflows and streamline how client documents are managed for tax purposes. Construction uses AI workflow automation to help with project and document management, allowing teams to share, store, and access files from anywhere. In the legal industry, AI helps lawyers develop legal briefs and get contracts signed.


Some of the most popular types of AI workflows include customer service automation, financial data processing, project management, and document analysis. These are popular because they can improve accuracy, speed, and scalability for all types of businesses.



How to use AI to automate workflows?


The goal of AI workflow automation is to streamline repetitive business tasks. The way this works is AI systems take in large volumes of data, analyze it to identify patterns and insights, and execute tasks based on predefined rules or learned behaviors. This leads to significant business improvements in efficiency, accuracy, decision-making, and process streamlining.


There’s a wide variety of AI workflow automation tools to help with different business demands, including invoice generation, file sharing, document management, employee onboarding, and more. These tools integrate seamlessly with existing business processes, ensuring that each industry’s unique wants and needs are met.






AI workflow automation tools


Workflow automation aims to simplify tasks, so it's essential to choose user-friendly tools with features that can help meet business goals. Key types of AI workflow automation tools include:


  • Invoice generation and processing: Automates creating and tracking of invoices.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM): Streamlines and improves customer interactions, including sales and service processes.
  • Human resources (HR): Manages recruitment, employee onboarding, payroll, and performance evaluations.
  • Supply chain management: Optimizes inventory tracking, order fulfillment, and logistics coordination.
  • File sharing and document management: Facilitates automatic document creation, sharing, and storage.
  • Email marketing: Automates email campaigns and personalized communications.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Automates the collection, analysis, and reporting of business data for decision making.
  • Project management: Streamlines task assignments, progress tracking, and resource management.
  • Contract management: Automates the creation, review, and approval of contracts and legal documents.



Generative AI workflow automation for businesses: benefits and challenges


While AI offers a powerful toolkit for streamlining business workflows, it's not without its challenges. Let's dive into the benefits and challenges of using generative AI workflow automation.



Benefits of using AI for workflow automation


AI injects intelligence into workflow automation, unlocking a range of benefits for businesses that include:


  • Increased productivity: AI can automate tasks that take a long time for employees to do manually. This frees up employees to focus on more important work, which can lead to a boost in productivity.
  • Reduced errors: AI can follow instructions almost perfectly, which means less room for errors compared to manual work. This can save businesses time and money in the long run.
  • Better decision making: AI can analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns that humans might miss. This can help businesses make better, more-informed decisions.
  • 24/7 operations: AI can run around the clock. This can help employees complete tasks even outside of business hours.
  • Scalability and flexibility: AI workflows can adjust to new demands, whether it's a surge in work or unexpected situations. This allows businesses to adjust operations on the fly. 
  • Cut costs: AI reduces the need for manual labor and human errors that lead to costly reworks. This optimization saves businesses money in the long run. 



Challenges of implementing AI-automated workflows


Despite the impressive benefits, using generative AI workflow automation also comes with its own set of hurdles. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, ongoing investment in technology and skills, and a strategic approach to integrating AI into business processes. A few challenges include:


  • Data accuracy: AI needs high-quality data to improve performance and accuracy, reduce bias, optimize resource allocation, and enable effective decision making. Ensuring data accuracy for training models can be a significant investment in time and resources.
  • AI skills gap: Many businesses lack the in-house expertise needed to develop and maintain AI models. Hiring or training skilled AI specialists can be expensive and competitive.
  • Cost of implementation: Developing and deploying AI workflow automation tools requires an initial investment. This can be a barrier for smaller businesses or those with tight budgets.
  • Data security risks: AI systems can be exposed to data breaches, and many industries have strict regulatory requirements around data usage. Ensuring strong security measures and compliance with these regulations can be complicated.
  • Ethical concerns: Generative AI can raise ethical issues, such as biases in AI-generated content or decision-making processes. Addressing these concerns requires careful design and continuous monitoring to ensure fairness and transparency.
  • Employee resistance: Implementing workflow AI technology can be disruptive. Employees will need training and ongoing support to adapt to new processes. Additionally, businesses should address concerns about job displacement openly and honestly to minimize pushback and encourage successful adoption.



Stay ahead of AI automation trends to empower better workflows


AI, particularly Gen-AI, is transforming the business landscape at remarkable speed. Recognizing the competitive benefits this technology offers, companies are rapidly adopting AI to make workflows faster and better. As Gen-AI use continues to accelerate, technology tools will become more accessible, enabling businesses of all sizes to leverage AI for workflow automation.


While the future of Gen-AI remains uncertain, one thing is clear: businesses that do not embrace AI for workflow automation risk falling behind. The competitive landscape is shifting, and organizations that use AI will be better positioned to enhance productivity, improve customer experiences, and drive growth. In contrast, those that fail to adapt may struggle to keep up with more agile competitors.


To overcome the challenges of implementing AI workflow automation and enjoy the benefits, businesses should research reputable tools to help. To learn more about how ShareFile is empowering businesses with workflow automation, check out this short demo video.